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Our Strategic Plan


Here are some Key Elements of the IMEC Strategic Plan
  • Provide current, practical, relevant, and useful services for all members to support their efforts to strengthen the support provided for migratory children and their families.

  • Demonstrate progress toward achievement of the Mission of IMEC so that the lives of migratory children, youth, and families, are postively impacted.

  • Ensure the mission of IMEC is current, relevant, and vital to the support of all migratory children, youth, and families.

  • Ensure IMEC fiscal and membership strength and stability.
Activities- The activities to fulfill each goal are decided by the membership and the Board of Directors. Here is a sampling of some of our activities :

Develop materials and resources that address the perspectives of the different IMEC stakeholders to support the IMEC mission.

  1. Increase access to public policy conversations.


  2. Develop and implement a defined and ongoing process for member capacity building.